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E376; with a strong spiritual atmosphere of love and holiness.

my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band

Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah.

love is always around us. =).

Verses of the Season

1 John 3:21-22
Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.


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Monday, 27 December 2010 - 12:28
E376 Thanksgiving BBQ
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26 Dec 2010. Sunday. Gideon's house.

Tonight is a memorable night for me. This year's thanksgiving means a lot more than usual. An unstructured gathering, relaxed and unmasked. A night where I am myself. I don't need to specially reach any one in particular.

Thank you for every single individual in E376! You made a big difference in my life! Your existence added joy to my life!

I would like to use this note to make special mention to each and everyone of you:
Dear Gideon, you are always so dear to my heart. Because of your willingness to stand in the gap for me, my ministry is strengthened. No matter what others say, you always try to flow with me. Because of your ability to flow, the presence of God is always there. THANK YOU!

Dear Gracelyn, you too are always so dear to my heart. We may not speak much but you know my heart, and this blessed my heart and encouraged me with comfort to minister freely in the CG. Though you may move to CCH, but we are still ONE family. Forever, you are a part of us. THANK YOU!

Dear Sebastian, you are my most teachable disciple! Because of your openness, you are easily moldable. Because of your willingness, you enabled me to be a better leader, assuring me that I can always count on you. THANK YOU!

Dear Jaslyn, you are a special individual. You bring with you unimaginable creativity that never fails to bless E376 & me. THANK YOU!

Dear Solomon, you know that you always have a place in E376 & my life. You are also a teachable disciple and easy member to have. Because of your willingness to pursue after God, you have grown greatly! People may not see it, but God knows and I can see it. Don't give up! I am still waiting for you. :) THANK YOU!

Dear Katherine, you are amazing with everything you do. Your pursuit for perfection is an inspiration to me. You are always so willing to help me when it is within your means. I want you to know that you are such an angel to me! THANK YOU!

Dear Vivian, you are so close to my heart. You may be busy but you always make effort to try and help me out with different ones. THANK YOU!

Dear Anthea, you are a sweet angel from Daddy God to me. From the first day we have met, you are such a joy in my life! We may have differences and I have failed you many times, but forgive me k? I am not perfect but I will try to be the best sister I know how to you. THANK YOU!

Dear Leon, you have such inspirational attitude that never fails to bless my heart. You never give up on anything! This is so amazing! You have added colors to my life! THANK YOU!

Dear Pin Xuan, your amazing desire to know God more and have more of Him in your life is a great encouragement to me. Each time when I reach out to someone, I think of your testimony. THANK YOU!

Dear Audrey, you are such a sweet sister. Your willingness to stand for God and desire to see salvation at home blessed me so much. You cannot imagine what an amazing inspiration you have been to me. THANK YOU!

Dear Ian, you have an unbelievable love for people! Because of your immense love, you reached out. Even when people don't respond, you didn't give up. You kept reaching out. You are simply amazing! Your presence in E376 is so precious to me. THANK YOU!

Dear Zhen Rong, you may be quiet but your desire to want to know God more is awesome! Because of your desire, you inspired me to want to give BS with the best of all I can offer once again. THANK YOU!

Dear Christy, you are soooooooooo quiet! But you talk to me. So that does make me happy. Hahah! THANK YOU!

Dear Lucius (Uncle), you are so uncle! (hahaha! Kidding!) You are probably the only one that I would really talk openly and not be worried that my sharing might affect you. Thank you for being so mature and so my age that I know I can trust you and your maturity to handle truths. THANK YOU!

Dear Jacqueline, you are so noisy! Haha! But that is what makes you uniquely JACQ! Because you never stop talking, I always know when you are around! THANK YOU!

Dear Jedediah, 2010 have been so much for you and I. But you have grown. That is good. THANK YOU!

Dear Ruth, you are an angel. You always bless me with surprises of your dreams and desires to move to greater heights. THANK YOU!

Dear Juliana & Jordan, you may be quiet but your laughters add smiles to my face. You both are such a joy to have! THANK YOU!

Dear Samson, you are so amazing! You love God. You love people. You have a phenomena love to see people receiving salvation! You have blessed me so much with your maturity in God! THANK YOU!

Dear Xavier, welcome to the family! You have just added joy to my Christmas! THANK YOU!

THANK YOU for being so sweet! The video is great! I must say it is touching; I fought hard against my tears. My tears obviously failed me again. But nvm. . . **my name is spelled wrongly... Not all messages are heard clearly due to noisy background...** But! THANK YOU, E376!



Thursday, 9 December 2010 - 02:27
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Hi ppl,

I just wanna share w you a testimony and the encounter i had with God during my lowest point. Hopefully it will encourage you (:

Title: Faith & Trust

When something goes wrong in your life, and you can do nothing about the situation, many of times; you'll feel dishearten.
Situation is worst when things have always been smooth in your life and you've nvr faced any setbacks but all of a sudden, failure strikes you.

There are just some things in my life that isnt going too smoothly or rather i've nvr faced any setback like this. The first day, i was really upset. I cried and i questioned God, "why things turn out this way, this is not what i wanted. Haven't i been faithful in serving you and abiding to your words?" I didnt even wanted to serve that weekend and wanna hide away from the whole world but I really thank God for His words. If not for His words, my Faith and trust in Him will waver.

God reminded me of many verses in the bible. Just to share a few here. One of which is in James 1:2 where God reminded me that these are trials in my life, and that He is testing my faith and trust in Him.

The other verse He reminded me is taken from Col 1:3-14. On sat, when i attended service, i really came with a heavy heart. I really didnt wanna sing praise and so i just clap my hands "Strengthlessly" and didnt sing with a thankful heart to praise Him. Then again, God reminded me from Colossians to give thanks and praise God no matter what situation we are in. I was also reminded by what Pastor shared before. He mention that it is really difficult to praise God in times or troubles and at your lowest point. But he also said, all the more you shld give thanks to God, and praise Him even louder. Thus, i lift my heavy heart up unto God and started praising Him. Indeed all was good. I felt much relieve after that.

Then again, on Monday, another situation hit me. I was lyk really depressed; once again i ask God, "God, I tot you gave me your word, that nothing is impossible thru you, that if i continue to confess over it, it'll come to past?"
But God replied me instantly, "I am stretching you, bringing your faith for Me up to the next level." I was also reminded that God ways are higher than my ways. He has His plans for me and His plans will nvr go wrong. So i told God, "Show me your plan, God!"

True enough, He showed me His plans. At the start of October, when i had decided that i want to go SOT 2011, I trusted God. I trust that He will provide the fees for me, i trust that He will help me to plan my time so that SOT will not clash with my Uni classes. Now, God really showed me His plans. If i pass all my modules, my classes will be mostly in the morning especially in march. Now that i have to retake certain modules, my classes are mostly 330pm onwards and only one or two classed in the noon. For those who dont know, SOT classes are 830am to 1pm. Indeed, God ways are higher than my ways. He had it all plan out for me.

I am no longer upset and i aint afraid to share this. Yes, i failed 2 modules (which i really did not expect). It was a great blow to me becos i have nvr failed in my life or rather i have nvr failed examinations before. But God is faithful! When i trusted Him and feed on the Word of God, He showed me His ways. He is an awesome God and i can stand firmly and say becos of this, my faith in Him has increased and i have moved up to the next level.

To all christians: Nvr Give Up on God when u are faced with a difficult situation and dont understand why. For God will bring you out of the situation. He will nvr put u in any situation too difficult for you to handle. Trust Him, Have Faith in Him and Read His words.