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This is a strong message by Pastor Tan on one of the leaders' meeting, and I believe those who went the meeting was strongly impacted by what pastor had shared. Hopefully it will bring another new level of perspective on what exactly it meant to be a servant(one who serve) and a master(one who take care of his servant). In Exodus, Moses was called to bring the people of Isreal to a promised land, in another words Moses brought the people out of Egypt, out of salvery to the land of Canan where they will be freed from their salvery. So the system would look this way: ![]()
Exodus 21:1-9 1 “Now these are the judgments which you shall set before them: 2If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years; and in the seventh he shall go out free and pay nothing. 3 If he comes in by himself, he shall go out by himself; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 If his master has given him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself. 5 But if the servant plainly says, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,’ 6 then his master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him forever.
Now look at this paragraph, you would realized that this whole passage was talking about a Hebrew servant. And v2 is an elaboration of the 4th commandment: Sabbath day. Now while we are talking about Hebrew servant, we need to find out the origin of how exactly can a Hebrew become a slave/servant? To understand this even further we shall look at Leviticus 25:23-55. Leviticus 25:23-55 is very very very long story on how a person from rich ended up into a slave/servant. To start with, every man are entitled to a piece of land, from the highest top of the family tree, our grandfather to our father to us, this piece of land was inherit from time to time after one died off. So a person will never become poor if he were to use the land inherit to irrigate food for himself. BUT if a person were to become poor because of his bad investment, or because of his poor judgement, or because of gambling habits, whatever reasons it may takes to let him become poor, he is entitled to SELL his land to his debtors as a mortgage. This mortgage would last about 49years. For e.g. If I sold the land on year 2000, and on year 2010 I managed to redeem it back, all i have to pay back is value of the land - 10years value of the land = 39years value of the land. However, if the person is unable to redeem it, the property that he mortgage shall be returned to him on the Year of Jubilee, in another word after 49years.
For e.g. If I sold the land on year 2000 and unable to redeem it. I can only have it back on year 2049. Next, what happens next is IF a person who had already had his property mortgage and still make bad investment, doesn't learn his lesson from, remains poor & credited with huge debts. The thing that he could mortgage is his house (Leviticus 25:29-30): 29 If a man sells a house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year he may redeem it. 30 But if it is not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house in the walled city shall belong permanently to him who bought it, throughout his generations. It shall not be released in the Jubilee.
Now IF this person still refused to learn his lesson, still have not give up his bad habit, continuously getting himself in huge debt, yet he have no more possession, no more property, no more house to sell to you to pay back what he owe, he will then sell himself to you. And thats how we got Hebrew servant who served under you. He served under you BECAUSE he forever was in huge debt, so huge that he first used his property, then his house, and all his possession until he have nothing else left but himself only. And yes, it was always because of DEBTS that caused him to be where he is. Now we finally understand how did a person became a Hebrew servant. Now lets explore the unlying reason why do we have to understand this, and experience the magnificient grace that God gave us. Now back to Exodus 21, we said that when we bought a hebrew servant, he is to serve us for 6years and on the 7th year he shall be freed and pays nothing. Why 6years and to be released on the 7th year?
**Isn't this ending like, becoming a slave/servant to another master? Employee to employer.
Like a servant, you work to pay off your debt. You work/serve your boss to get yourself survive. This is where God's grace comes. God doesn't make you go through all these process to get himself some joy. This is happening to you because of a single word.
BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE RESPONSIBLITY. Yup, harsh as it is, but it's all because you lack of responsiblity for youself, that you have to learn to serve your boss. You have to learn new skills, new task, learn to be humble, learn to be resposible for your own action. Yes, that's why a servant had to serve for 6years, because this 6 year is a time frame for us to reflect and learn how to be a humble & responsible person. That's God intentions for us: to be a humble & responsible person. And often people who came to church are people who are lost, broken, poor, and we as a church are here to teach them how to be responsible & humble person, to follow God's will. ** A penny for your thought: “Have people/members' life changed after they came to church? For better or for worse? So now the system will look this way: When there is servant, there is master too. Just like there's heaven & there's earth. And now if you are master, and you have a servant, you are to treat your servant well as well. This is what the bible says - Exodus 21:20-36. 20 “And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished.
Picture yourself in this: You have a maid, do you everyday torture your maid because you want to fully utilised whatever you have paid, or do you shower your maid with love as a master? Think! When your maid is in trouble, are you the one as a master to stretch your hand to help her get out of the situation with your strength? When you go travelling with your family, do you bring your maid along to enjoy whatever you are enjoying? Or do you just leave her at home, every now and then call her to make sure that she is not taking a break? You will see when you and your maid contracts ended, will she leave you or will follow like what the bible said: Exodus 21:5
That's the level of love, care & concern you showered for your servant. To the extend that he/she wouldn't even want to leave you and said that they are willing to even serve you for the rest of their life. To be your BONDSERVANT, till they died. So guys, think about it. If you are a master of another person, how would you treat your servant.
If you think that you are in a servant position, what are you lacking of to be more responsible so that you can serve your master even more? Some great verse to take a look at. Eph 6:5-9
Col 3:22:25
John 15:12-17
Love, sebas |