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Just to share something which i read from the bible. =) Hope it brings something to you! Of course its all in my own revelation and thinking. Subjective. haa Proverbs 7: 6 - 8 (NKJV) 6 For at the window of my house I looked through my lattice, 7 And saw among the simple, I perceived among the youths, A young man devoid of understanding, 8 Passing along the street near her corner; And he took the path to her house This verse from the way it seems how a man w/o understanding and fell right into immoral behavior. But let's us take a closer look at the whole verse. 'I perceived among the youths, a young man devoid of understanding' Yes why among the youth and not among adult, isn't adult the 1 who always have external affair? From this sentence, it used YOUTHS, it meant - immature. And it does not really mean immature in reality, but IT is in spiritually. Yes, and its always usually the new who just received Christ. Usually, because it might refer to people who are long in church still yet to be spiritually mature. And later on of the phrase you see that it said a young man devoid of understanding. Initially i was thinking "huh, what understanding? understanding of what?" UNTIL i read Pastor Phil's book - Inspired to PRAY, it gives a me a whole new understanding. Understanding is the KEY to leading & relating to people & navigating our way through our life with God. It just meant - understanding God's Words and His way. Some people just don't get it, God why me? God, why at this time? God, why? why? why? which i believe Pastor Tan did state before. And you saw through your position, among the youth there! there's a youth who is lacking of understanding. Someone who don't understand God's way and plan and purpose. Someone who lack of understanding. v8, and you see temptation start coming in. There, a women waving seductively at the weaker member. And yes, when you do not have God's understanding, you just took the path yourself thinking that there bound to have another alternatives for this problem. Thinking: "No, I do not need God's help for this. Even He close the heaven's door to me, treating me with a silent days, i shall live by my ways." And thats when temptation start waving at you, giving you the ways which God have no intention for you. And you just walk along the street near her corner, and you took the path to her house, fell into a trap setup by the devil. Simple verse like this, but i believe it speaks to us who constantly falling into the devil's trap. Constantly into temptation and sins again and again. Constantly thinking that God will forgive, forget, and give grace back to you. BUT one thing i can be assure is, every time we sinned, God cried for us. Just like how a naturally father who see his daughter/son, going into a stray way. How much it hurts, it comparable to how God see us sin. It just hurt so much that, He might not even have a good night rest because of it. I have seen my real father turned from 30years old dad into 50years old overnight. Just within 1week, he became so much older. Thats why i believe its the same in our Spiritually Father. Hope it brings something into your life. =) Loves, Sebas |