Music my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band Profile Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah. Verses of the Season 1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Tagboard Affilates
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Things will change for the better but not overnight, just like sowing a seed, it wouldn't bear fruits the next day. But instead it takes a lot of time WEEDING, [getting rid of bad habits] FERTILIZING, [learning the word of God, discipleship etc..] TO GO THROUGH THE SEASONS, [trials and tribulations] before it can grow to become a strong and healthy tree! Everyone has to go through all these especially trials and tribulations. They are here to strengthen and test you. If everything comes at the same time, so be it. Its the thunder storm coming to test us. God knows that we can handle all these that's why he allowed it to happen. The same Spirit that raised Christ is inside of us! So what is it that we cannot handle? Let's JIAYOU AND NEVER GIVE IN TO THE DEVIL!!! Whatever that comes, united we stand. We got to keep our roots strong, and allow it to grow deeper into the soil. If all of "E376 trees" were to grow together, when the storm comes, we are able to shelter one another, especially those smaller trees, withstand everything together and to also "cling" onto one another with our "branches and roots". Cloud,Storms,Rainbow,Valleys, together we walk, together we climb. Happiness,Sorrows,Joy,Pain, together we share, together we encourage So whatever it may be people, you! you! you! Listen up! We are in this together! You're not alone =) -TOGETHER FOR HIS GLORY- Commandment #7: You shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14) The act of adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse. These few weeks Pastor Kong have been sharing with us about having an affair outside a marriage, and why people will commit adultery despite they know that having an affair is WRONG. The act of doing something which we all knew its a sin, yet we still commit it. The Devil always make use of our lack of self-control to tempt us further. (1 Cor 7:5) But did the Bible not say that, when a man is married to a woman, it is 2 to become of1 flesh? By committing adultery, we're like trying to make 1 into 3 flesh, whereby things in a marriage got more complicated. So, guys steadfast in your heart and have the power of will in your mind. For as the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. And when we are weak, We are strong. |