Music my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band Profile Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah. Verses of the Season 1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Tagboard Affilates
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Commandment #3: Exodus 20:7) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. Just as people places meaning to the names that they chose for their children, the name of God also bears meaning to His character and nature. Let's honor God by not using His holy name in vain. If you are in doubt, please do not say you believe in Jesus' name. How can be abuse the name of the Lord like that?? Please be sure of yourself and faith when you called upon the Lord God in Heaven above. :) Continue... The 10 Commandment #2 (The message version) No carved gods of any size, shape, or form of anything whatever, whether of things that fly or walk or swim. Don't bow down to them and don't serve them because I am God, your God, and I'm a most jealous God, punishing the children for any sins their parents pass on to them to the third, and yes, even to the fourth generation of those who hate me. But I'm unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love me and keep my commandments. An idol is explained in previous entry. And look at Colossians 3:5-6, and we'll know that idolatry brings wrath of God. But we also know that, when Christ is in us, idolatry wouldn't even occur to us. (Col 3:8-11) And definitely, those who followed and keep His commandments will received his love. =) Commandment #1 You shall not have any God before me. - For I am a jealous God. (Exodus 34:14) Yes, what does jealous exactly meant? According to source ( Jealous: An intolerant of unfaithfulness or rivalry. Basically its when you worshiped another idol, God will be jealous of it. So we asked "when do we consider to be worshiping an idol?" A: Its anything that we placed our trust & dependence on it. That we believed in whatever it said, does, affect us. Its often things that we thought we could not found in God but could be found in there. For example, we might be worshiping money? For all we thought that money is something more realistic, money is more practical, money can do everything in this world. And we placed our trust on money to do things we couldn't have it when we trust in God. That is when we sub-consciously put money as the first priority instead of God. Another example might be horoscope? Zodiac? Being superstitious? So guys, lets look into ourselves and think, have we broke the first commandment that God had set for us? The 10 commandment To Be Continue... Well well, let's see. 2008 definitely is an havoc year for E376. Not only we see lots of outing for E376 that build our family bond; whereby not only love, care & concern opened up people's heart, we also had different kinds of major events for CHC as well for E376. Events like Sentosa outreach, Kreative Cosmopolitan Party, Neo's Camp, Light of colors BBQ session, Asia Conference 2008, Easter Celebration, Candlelight services, Christmas celebration; Operation - Save the World, we even had a combine cellgroup chalet. Dozen of Rev Pastor came down to preach and encouraged. Arise & Build campaign. And then E376 itself conducted NS fellowship for all the NS guys who are serving the nation right now. And every now and then gathered together and chill out. And when members in need of help, a pair of listening ear was provided, hands are stretched to reach out, shoulders are there to support. Definitely an UP and DOWN year for E376, and i really feel we are doing real good as a whole. And so.. Now is 2009. AND for sure, we are going to have another breakthru! An even more havoc year. Full of madness & crazyness, full of love filling an empty heart, full of affection bringing warmth to the unopened heart, full of smiles bringing fun, joy and laughter into people's life. And I really hoped that all of the members will share this vision together, aiming to strive for another level of E376. We shall fight as one, shall move as one, shall dream as one and achieving it as one. Shall we? Sign off, Sebas |