Music my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band Profile Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah. Verses of the Season 1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Tagboard Affilates
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Though it might be alittle late for this post as this was the preaching from Pastor Derek on 260708, but still nothing is ever late in the presence of the Lord, for as God will be live for generations and generations but we are unable to do so. For as He is the creator of this earth and he gave us life so that we are able to do great things to magnify him. Through the preaching from Pastor Derek, i came to realise something super important in our life. The word: "Consistency" While reading this, please ask ourselves how many time have we give up something or doing something because we don't have the determination get it done? Or how many time have we be lazy to have prayer conference? Or how many time have we been lazy that we do not want to serve or go to any of the cell group meeting? Guys & ladies, this is the definitely not the way God wants us to be and of course not the way we should complete the race in our life. . Yes, we have been pampered, so pampered that we are often led by Spirit of Lazyness to make us take a break in the race. But we have to take note of 1 thing, once we stopped we break the momentum of going forward. We break the momentum of our mind. The moment we stopped, we say to ourselves that we need to catch more air before going on, we put ourselves in a comfort zone and enjoy breathing more air and slowly walking towards the end. Then we tell ourselves "no no, i should continue run this race." Then you start running again. But then not after 10mins, you are out of breathe again. Then at that point of time, you are already implanted with the Spirit of Lazyness. And very soon, though you may the first to run, but you are the last to reach. This is just like the story of "Rabbit and Tortoise Race" Though you may be like a rabbit running so fast, but you taking a break because you feel that there is a need to take a break in your life. While the tortoise being consistent in moving towards the end, WON. See? Consistency is the way to win everything. Believe yourself and believed that the Lord will show you glory and He will definitely give you the prize of the race. Not because you won the race but you are persistent in everything you do and He who see everything on the top is touched by the attitude you giving to Him. So what now!? Start to learn how to control your mindset. Stop putting ourselves in the comfort zone. We have to fall and get hurt right now. We have to start to control the way we live. Though it is not easy but be persistent and the Lord will be touched by your action and bless you. May the Lord bless you guys.. Sign off, Sebas |