Music my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band Profile Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah. Verses of the Season 1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Tagboard Affilates
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![]() Dear Members, You Invited!!! Please bring your friends along to this year's Christmas party that will be held on Christmas day itself. Party starts at 4pm. Our target for this party is 12 friends. Please invite those who are coming for service as well. Let us work hard and win more lost souls. God Bless. Love, ai zhen BREAKAWAY!!! took some pics during the camp so juz wanna put it up =D and there is also 2 videos of jac and ting's forfeit. we played games and they lost 3 times so they had to do a forfeit. the theme is superheros so our team name is TOFU-MAN!our team members =D jac and ben anthea and ben ting and ben oops sry!its lorraine! enjoyin her supper =D
meilian and jac meilian and anthea meilian and ting ting and wenkai yanglin and wenkai jac and BB's forfeit ting's forfeit [dance w rainft, ting is the boy and rainft is the girl side] and tats all the pics i took hope u like it! =DD |