Music my life, Your song - Annabel Soh & CHC Band Profile Hi. a cellgroup that will impact the marketplace and we are a group of people of LOVE!(: We are E376!(: FIND-OUT-M0RE-ABOUT-US. hah. Verses of the Season 1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, if our hearts does not comdemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Tagboard Affilates
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sorry for the vulgarities.. =X Saturday, 20 October 2007 - 01:34
Haha! Thanks to Karen and Shirley! I've used all 3 designs! Love it! My birthday invites are below: ![]() ![]() ![]() Also... we need to add Mike's video that is from Youtube la! haha! Go Mike, go! Haha! Someone who's available, pls do this! Thanks! Love, Lorraine Hi Members, Just wanna share a word of encouragement with all. I learn in my last Lesson of Bible study something rather encouraging... " Don't Look back, Dont look at yourself, always Look forward" (code extract from the 7 generations championship for tight rope walking) All of us will face spiritual warfare. Whether Big or small. But i just wanna encourage you all by telling you this, God had prepared Spiritual armor for all of us. We'll have complete protection against all Spiritual warfare. But never turn back, for God provides no protection from the back but from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I just wanna encourage yall' by telling you this. No matter what you face in your life, whether spiritually, physically or emotionally, DON'T sound the retreat but advance, for our Heavenly Father will protect us against everything that satan had thrown to us. Have faith in Him, you'll pull through everything at the end of the day. =) I hope this will encourage all of you who are having a hard time now. Just Remember, NVR RETREAT but ADVANCE!!! Love, ai zhen =) |